Teacher: Dr Carlos Yebra López, Cal State Fullerton
Class Level: Beginners
Class Schedule 2024-25: Thursdays from 17:30-18:30 UK Time (you can check time-zone comparisons on sites such as this one)
Class Length: 2-term class (Michaelmas Term 2024-Hilary Term 2025) (Oxford dates of term are available on the University website)
Class Description: This course will introduce students to Haketia (Western Judeo-Spanish, Haquetia, Jaquetia), the language of the Western (North African) Sephardic Jews which survives in post-vernacular fashion mainly in Morocco, Spanish Africa (Ceuta, Melilla), Venezuela and Israel. Students will acquire basic knowledge of the grammar, syntax and lexicon of the language through reading and listening to selections from the rich culture of Western Sephardic Jews across Morocco, Spanish Africa and beyond.
Reference Materials:
-Benoliel, Jose. Dialecto Judeo-Hispano-Marroquí o Hakitía. Madrid: copistería Varona, 1977.
-Bentolila, Yaakov. Diccionario del elemento hebreo en la Haketia. UCOPress/CNERU/CSIC. 2015
-Levy, Solly. La Vida en Haketia (podcast). Centro Sefarad-Israel de España/Centro Cultural Sefarad de Argentina. 2022
-Saint Exupéry, Antoine (translator Alicia Sisso Raz). El Prencipito (edicion Haketica). Desde Tuma. 2022/2023 (1946).
-Sisso Raz, Alicia. Voces de Haketia. 2010.
-The Ladino 21 Digital Archive Other reading materials and videos for practicing the language will be supplied to the students during the year.