Welcome to Michaelmas Term 2021. Please find details on how to join our events in our programme below. Please note that some events will take place online, in person and in a combination of the two. Please read carefully so that you do not miss out on our activities. Michaelmas Term 2021 Programme Please send
Special Music Course Offering “Between the Besht and Bulletproof Stockings: An Introduction to Hasidic Music”
Between the Besht and Bulletproof Stockings: An Introduction to Hasidic Music Tutor: Dr Diana Matut Online course via Zoom on Tuesdays 4-5pm (UK time) Hasidic music is often thought of as being merely synonymous with the singing of nigunim (‘wordless’ melodies). Modern Hasidism, however, can boast a tremendous musical culture, encompassing liturgy, traditional melodies used
Babylonian Talmud
Wednesdays from 5.30-6.30 pm online via Zoom We are happy to announce that from Michaelmas Term 2021, Dr Norman Solomon will teach a class on the Babylonian Talmud under the auspices of OCHJS. Interested persons are welcome to join Dr. Norman Solomon’s ongoing Talmud class on Wednesdays from 5.30-6.30 pm. The text for study in
Oxford School of Rare Jewish Languages
We are pleased to announce 2021-22 as the inaugural year of the new Oxford School of Rare Jewish Languages (OSRJL) of the Oxford Centre for Hebrew and Jewish Studies (OCHJS), in collaboration with other institutions across Europe and beyond. Beginning in October 2021, OSRJL will offer a range of free online language classes on eleven
Online Oxford Biblical Hebrew Summer School 2021
The Oxford Biblical Hebrew Summer School will take place from August 23-27 and August 31-September 3 2021. This year the school is being given online (via Zoom). The school offers nine days of intensive teaching in Biblical Hebrew. Each weekday there will be three hours of teaching, delivered in two separate 90-minute sessions, between 11.30-15.30
Trinity Term 2021 Programme
Welcome to Trinity Term 2021. Please find details on how to sign up for our events in our programme below. If you have any queries, please contact Priscilla Lange at academic.administrator@ochjs.ac.uk. Trinity Term 2021 Programme