Week 4, 4 November 2021 Dr Lucy Pick (University of Chicago) ‘Encounter in Toledo? Maimonides, Samuel ibn Tibbon, and Michael Scot’ Catherine Lewis Lecture Room, Clarendon Institute Building, Walton Street, Oxford OX1 2HG Please find the poster for this lecture here All welcome and wine reception to follow
OSRJL Call for Visiting Fellowship Applications
The OCHJS and its newly created OSRJL invites applications for a Visiting Fellowship from applicants who are current, established academics and/or postdoctoral researchers working on any aspect of Judeo-languages, including linguistics, literature, manuscript studies and book history. The successful applicant will become a Visiting Fellow of the OCHJS for at least one calendar month during
New OSRJL Application Form for Hilary & Trinity Terms
CLICK HERE TO APPLY FOR CLASSES BEGINNING IN HILARY AND TRINITY TERMS 2022. Please do not use old application forms to apply for classes beginning in said terms; such forms will not be accepted. The application deadline for classes beginning in Hilary Term 2022 is Monday 3 January 2022 at 12pm UK Time. The application deadline for
David Patterson Lecture: 21 October, 6pm
Week 2, 21 October Professor Judith Olszowy-Schlanger, President of OCHJS ‘More on Christian Hebraism in Medieval England: New Evidence from a Manuscript from John Selden’s Collection’ Please see the poster for this lecture here Thursdays 6.00-7.00 pm, Clarendon Institute Building, Walton Street, OX1 2HG Refreshments to follow ALL ARE WELCOME
Michaelmas Term 2021 Programme
Welcome to Michaelmas Term 2021. Please find details on how to join our events in our programme below. Please note that some events will take place online, in person and in a combination of the two. Please read carefully so that you do not miss out on our activities. Michaelmas Term 2021 Programme Please send
Special Music Course Offering “Between the Besht and Bulletproof Stockings: An Introduction to Hasidic Music”
Between the Besht and Bulletproof Stockings: An Introduction to Hasidic Music Tutor: Dr Diana Matut Online course via Zoom on Tuesdays 4-5pm (UK time) Hasidic music is often thought of as being merely synonymous with the singing of nigunim (‘wordless’ melodies). Modern Hasidism, however, can boast a tremendous musical culture, encompassing liturgy, traditional melodies used