This year’s Oxford Biblical Hebrew Summer School will be held online from 1 to 11 September 2020. The school offers nine days of intensive teaching in biblical Hebrew. The course corresponds to two terms of intensive teaching for a full-time university student and is open to students with or without experience of the language.
For more details and to apply click here: OBHSS 2020
“As a total beginner, I found the Oxford Biblical Hebrew Summer School gave me a great overview of Hebrew grammar, without the expectation of understanding everything or the pressure of exams. Now going back through the material in ordinary study, I am able to recognise grammar that would otherwise be completely new, which aids in my comprehension. Completing the course prep material, which Steve distributes well in advance, is essential to hit the ground running as the course is fast paced – but very rewarding, and thoroughly recommended.”
Roy Bartle (OBHSS 2017)
“I highly recommend the OBHSS. Stephen’s enthusiastic and systematic approach covered all the fundamentals of Biblical Hebrew. I was impressed at how much I improved in just two weeks. Whether you are new to the study of Biblical Hebrew or have been learning for a while, this programme is sure to prove useful”.
David-Yehuda Stern (OBHSS 2018)
“The OBHSS is a great experience. You cover a huge amount of ground in the course of two weeks – looking back at the end it is astonishing how far you have come. The teaching is excellent, attentive to the individual needs of students with different experiences of language-learning, and balanced between clear explanations of difficult topics, and realistic expectations of what’s possible in an intensive course. I’d strongly recommend this to anyone looking to make a start with Biblical Hebrew, or to accelerate rusty or beginner’s learning. “
Dr Kathryn Murphy (OBHSS 2018)
Fellow and Tutor in English, Oriel College
Director of Undergraduate Admissions and Associate Professor, English Faculty, University of Oxford
“Before I took the OBHSS I had been teaching myself and was still labouring away slowly and with varying degrees of success in the foothills of the strong verb paradigms and grappling with their derived verb forms. The weak verbs and all their derived forms still loomed menacingly overhead and I had been wondering how long it was going to take before I was going to be able to make an assault on them. The course enabled me to review and consolidate what I had already been learning and move swiftly through the rest of the material in my first-year grammar, so that after just a few days the upper slopes started to look significantly less daunting. The course is an excellent way to accelerate progress out of a textbook and into reading actual biblical texts.”
Jonathan Spink (OBHSS 2017)