Thanks to the generosity of Tad Taube and Taube Philanthropies, the Taube Prizes for Student Writing in Hebrew and Jewish Studies for postgraduate students were offered for the first time this year. We received twenty-three excellent submissions across numerous areas of Hebrew and Jewish Studies, and the committee selected the following recipients for the prize:
-William Jones: ‘“You are going to be my Bettmann”: Exploitative Sexual Relationships and the Lives of the Pipels in Nazi Concentration Camps’
-Eirik Kvindesland: ‘By Way of the Sea: Jewish Networks between Palestine and the Persian Gulf 1820-1914’
-Celeste Pan: ‘MS Bodley Or. 621 as a “Study Psalter” for Christian Hebraists’
The committee highly commended the following submissions:
-Nicolas Garraud: ‘Normality Re-Imagined in the Newly Established “Jewish District” (November 1940-January 1941)’
-Rose Stair: ‘“Build Young Harps!”: On Youthfulness, Creativity and Desire’
Many congratulations again to the students for their wonderful submissions.